Seafarer Marine stocks a full line of Domestic & Imported Plywood including various types of marine grade. We are a proud distributor of "Joubert" - British Standard Spec 1088.
- AB Fir Marine
- Afromosia
- Bending
- Birch MultiPly
- Cabinet Liner
- Cedar Aromatic
- Cherry
- LitePly
- Luan Doorskin
- Luan Pattern Strips
- Mahogany
- Maple
- Maple Prefinished
- Melamine
- Micanta Weather Board
- Oak Red
- Oak White
- Okoume Marine Spec 1088
- Particle Board
- Teak
- Teak & Holly
- Viking Teak
- Virolla
- Walnut
- White Ash
Most species available in 1/8" through 1". Other species available by order.